§ 27-3.3. Intent and Purpose.  

Latest version.
  • The intent and purpose of the development impact fee is to mitigate the impacts of new residential and new or intensified industrial and commercial development on transportation, parks and recreation, general public facilities, and public safety as more specifically described in the projects listed in Appendix B to the Nexus Study. The purpose of each component of the development impact fee is as follows:


    The purpose of the transportation component is to fund required improvements related to public safety such as traffic signals, street overlays, handicap ramps at intersections, and other traffic safety improvements and to mitigate the degradation in the levels of service on public roads from new developments.


    The purpose of the parks and recreation component is to fund a portion of the capital costs associated with construction of new park and recreation improvements and facilities.


    The purpose of the general public facilities component is to fund a portion of the capital costs associated with library improvements and collections, seismic upgrades, and other improvements to existing public facilities and equipment.


    The purpose of the public safety facilities and improvements component is to fund a portion of the costs associated with construction of public safety facilities and the purchase of public safety equipment.

(Ord. No. 3098 N.S., 7-15-2014)