§ 30-8.6. Relocation.  

Latest version.
  • Persons converting buildings pursuant to this section shall:


    After receipt of the preliminary subdivision public report give notice of intention to convert in writing one hundred twenty (120) days in advance to tenants before they are required to relocate.


    Offer all tenants not in arrears of rental or leasehold payments, a nontransferable right of first refusal of purchase of his/her unit for sixty (60) days duration after receipt of a public report from the Real Estate Commission.


    Notify all tenants occupying units subsequent to the notices given pursuant to subsection 30-8.5 of the intent to convert, or the approval hereunder to convert, before the tenant consents to a lease or rental agreement.


    The subdivider shall provide tenants not wishing to purchase with information on available apartments of comparable size, price and location within the City.

(Ord. No. 535 N.S. § 11-14D6; Ord. No. 1277 N.S.)